

nihdff 03-09 26
天空信号:美国航空的金十字标志着看涨轨迹摘要: American Airlines Group Inc (NASDAQ:AAL) just made a Golden Cross. The stock hardly moved...

American Airlines Group Inc (NASDAQ:AAL) just made a Golden Cross. The stock hardly moved through 2023, gaining just under 8%. So far in 2024, the stock is already up 8.44%. As one of the top four U.S. airlines, this movement marks a significant moment for the company.The company delivered a record beat on fourth-quarter earnings on Jan. 25, and since then the stock has been buoyed by positive sentiments. American Airlines reported a 190% surprise on EPS and a 0.32% surprise on estimated revenue for the fourth-quarter of 2023.Further, market sentiment on the stock has been bolstered by ***yst ratings and price


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